Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday Moments: I am not a fun mom

I've written before about how my son likes my husband better. Today I realized why.

I am not a fun mom.

I'm the one who tells him to eat his dinner and sit down and stop hitting the dog. Matt doesn't put him in time out. Matt doesn't say, "I can't play right now" and "Put your shoes on." Matt doesn't drop him off at the babysitters. Matt is fun. I'm just Mommy.

I'm always on the computer, or on the phone, or doing laundry, or cooking dinner. I don't have time to be fun. Matt gets home everyday an hour before Bryson's bed time, plays with him, and helps put him to bed. Although Matt sees him less, he has specific one on one playtime carved out almost every day. And Bryson knows that, and looks forward to it. And when it doesn't happen, there is hell to pay.

Me, not so much. Even though I spend more physical time with Bryson, I spend less one on one playtime. When Matt is home, I let Matt take the lead. I feel like he sees Bryson less and therefore should have the opportunity to be in charge every once in a while. What's interesting is Bryson still comes to me for his basic needs, food, drinks, kisses for any boo-boos. I'm in charge. Matt is fun.

I'm trying to be more fun. To set aside time to do nothing but play.

Any suggestions?


Melissa said...

I think all moms feel this way!! it's like thats how it seems to go a lot of the time! if we sit down to play with the kids, everything else gets put on the back burner and the next thing you know, you have five loads of laundry to do and the house is a mess and you are going out to eat because you dont feel like cleaning! well maybe thats just me! I work full time so when I get home the kids long for my attention and I have so many OTHER things to do that I dont get to spend much time with them. I have found that the small things like coloring with Taylor make her so happy or even letting her help me make dinner. She is only 2 but really loves when she gets to make dinner!

Oh the joys of being a mother! It is trying at times but there is nothing better!

Brecca said...

I've recently gone to part time to be with my kids more and I'm loving it. I teach an official preschool to Brooklynn each morning and this is our quality time together. Recently I've started setting a timer and playing barbies or mermaids or princesses with my daughter. With the timer ticking I've trained myself not to get distracted with cleaning and other chores.

ErinMartinez said...

I understand how you feel. We need to remind ourselves more often that we need to stop what we are doing and enjoy our little ones, even when it's inconvenient, because before we know it, they'll be grown up.