Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thanksgiving Trivia

Day 3
The wonderful memories that can be made while sitting around the dinner table.


What comes to your mind when you think of Thanksgiving ? The big fat golden-brown turkey
? Mom's apple pie? Or the oh-so-nice crescent rolls and mashed potatoes ? Well well, all these ARE a major part of the holiday. But there’s even more to this wonderful occasion of Thanksgiving !

So tonight around the dinner table, share some interesting trivia associated with Thanksgiving. I promise it will bring some laughs and start up some great family conversations!

The first Thanksgiving celebration is believed to be held by the Plymouth Pilgrims in the Fall of 1621.

The credit for making Thanksgiving a national holiday is given to one lady magazine editor called Sarah Josepha Hale.

The name of the ship in which the Puritans came is known as Mayflower. And the drink they had with them was beer.

A turkey below sixteen weeks of age is called a fryer.

Benjamin Franklin fought hard to make the wild turkey the national bird of America instead of the bald eagle, which he found to be a coward.

A nest of turkey eggs is known as a clutch.

When a tom turkey (male turkey) gobbles, it can be heard from as far as a mile.

Now this one’s quite a thoughtful trivia—if turkeys gobble everywhere in the world, you won’t hear a turkey gobble in Turkey. The Turkish say that turkeys glu glu.

Firkee is the Native American name for turkeys.

It’s often said that turkeys make a ‘turk turk turk’ noise when they are frightened. So they are called ‘turkeys’.

Turkeys have outstanding visual precision, a great hearing and taste. But are famously poor on smell.

A full-grown turkey has about 3500 feathers approximately.

The US President George Washington proclaimed the first "National Day of Thanksgiving".

The first Thanksgiving
celebration lasted for three days and consisted of both games and grub.

Governor William Bradford is the man, a leader of the Pilgrims, who invited the neighboring Wampanoag to their feast of the first Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Jen said...

That was fun to read! I definitely didn't know most of those things. I love learning things like that.